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Essential Tips for Filming in Winter'

Slowly, winter moves in again and the air gets colder. But even in cold temperatures, you can enjoy many delightful outdoor activities with the family.

Of course, you will want to capture all these exciting moments, which is particularly easy with our wunderflix app – no previous video knowledge required.

Regardless of the winter activity, the temperatures can quickly reach sub-zero – which is why there is a lot to consider when filming in the cold.

Therefore, we have put together our most important tips for filming in winter so that your wunderflix video will be a great memory for eternity.


Pay attention to a few things when filming with your mobile phone in the winter

Most mobile phone manufacturers recommend using the phone at a temperature between 0 and 35C, as the battery’s life is optimized, and the battery can operate at its full power in this range.

When the temperature drops below 0C, it is more difficult for the battery to perform at its full capacity because more energy needs to be expended.

Moving the mobile phone from a heated home into the cold winter air increasingly affects the battery.

Reduce the impact of major temperature differences

So here’s our first tip: store your phone in a cooler place, such as the hallway, before you go outside in order to keep the temperature difference as small as possible. This also prevents strong fogging of the lens.

Also, when you come back from the outdoors, put your phone in a cooler place for a while so that the battery can slowly get used to the warmer temperature again.

While you are outdoors, try to keep your phone as warm as possible. Wear it close to your body in a warm jacket pocket, for example.

A power bank can help if the battery still runs out

Another problem with cold temperatures is that the battery discharges faster. Remedy this problem by taking a power bank with you.

Outdoors, it is best to charge your phone while it is inside your jacket pocket. Charging the mobile phone at sub-zero temperatures may be harmful to the battery.

A waterproof case protects your phone

During filming, of course, there is a good chance that your mobile phone will get covered in snow. To protect your phone from water and snow, purchase a waterproof case, which will still allow you to operate the phone normally.

These cases can also be used on beach holidays for protection against sand.

Touchscreen gloves ensure warm hands, allowing you to continue operating your mobile phone

To withstand the cold temperatures, most people wear gloves, but this often makes it difficult to operate a mobile phone. Touchscreen gloves are available, and they make it much easier to operate a mobile phone. Maybe they would work for you?

Our app makes it possible to stop filming at any time and continue at another time.

You don’t want to film all the time. Sometimes you just want to have fun with your family, building a snowman or having a snowball fight.

But after playing in the snow, your gloves are wet. Therefore, just take a small towel with you to dry the gloves afterward. Or, alternatively, bring along a replacement pair so you don’t have to take off your gloves while filming.

A gimbal helps to stabilize

Another helpful tool is a small gimbal. A gimbal stabilizes your mobile phone, and you can, for example, film yourself while skiing or sledding without any problems. Such “action shots” also give your video an additional wow factor.

Finally, we have two more tips to share that will help make your wunderflix videos look even better!

Always include a change of perspective

Many families go on ski holidays in the winter. Often, your children’s first time on skis and their first skiing experiences happen on these trips.

These moments are very special for us parents, which is why it is worthwhile to capture them for eternity. When filming, try to get down as low as possible and film from the bottom to the top.

In this way, the spraying snow looks more impressive, creating an even more vivid video.

Film the action not only in the foreground but also in the background by filming through fir branches or snow-covered branches in the foreground. Your video will look like it was filmed by real professionals.

Winter Bild

Feel free to try out our tips and tricks and send us your awe-inspiring results. We are looking forward to seeing your wunderflix videos!

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